Backlog Item (generic)

A Backlog Item contains as attributes a description, an effort estimate, as well as Acceptance Criteria and Test Descriptions, which prove the completeness and describe when it is done. All backlog entries have the following properties and attributes: A unique short name or other identification (e.g. a number) A description that is as short as…

Cluster Backlog Refinement

Refinement of the Cluster Backlog is viewed as the process of adding details to backlog entries, making estimates, or determining the order of entries in the Cluster Backlog. Refinement is a continuous process in which the Cluster Product Owner and the Team System Engineer Group collectively detail the Cluster Backlog Items. The entries are examined…

Planning Poker

What is Planning Poker? Planning Poker is used for the group-based estimation of sizes, usually the effort or complexity in development projects. This is exactly how the value (business value) of features or products can be estimated. But why “group-based”? It avoids one-sided views (swarm intelligence). It promotes structured conversations and discussions in groups. Also…

Portfolio Backlog Refinement

Refinement of the Portfolio Backlog is the process of creating new backlog items, adding details to backlog items, making estimates, splitting backlog items, or changing the order of items in the Portfolio Backlog. Refinement is a continuous process in which the Portfolio Owner and the Cluster System Engineer Group (CSEG) jointly detail the Portfolio Backlog…

Team Backlog Refinement

The Team Backlog Refinement is the process of adding details to the Team Backlog entries, making estimates, and determining the order of the Team Backlog entries. Refinement is a continuous process in which the Team Product Owner and the Working Team together detail the Team Backlog entries. When the Team Backlog is refined, the entries…


The term triage comes from military emergency medicine to assess the urgency of emergency response. Cases are divided into three categories: The person is so severely injured that he or she is likely to die despite immediate action, the person is so severely injured that immediate action is necessary to enable his or her survival,…