Cluster Improvement Backlog

The Improvement Backlog describes the supply of improvements and is integrated into the work planning by the relevant group, self-organized. A rule that describes how much work the group spends on improvements (e.g. 10-20%) helps to keep the predictabilityof other Backlog Items high. The Improvement Backlog is the planning and structuring tool of the Scrum…

Cluster Retrospective

The Cluster Retrospective offers the Cluster Scrum Master (CSM) the opportunity to review the working methods of the cluster, represented by the Cluster Product Owner and the Team System Engineer Group (TSEG) , as well as improvements in the way of working identify and plan for the coming cycle . The Cluster Retrospective takes place…

Cluster Scrum Master (CSM)

Der Cluster-Scrum-Master hat, zusammen mit der Team-Scrum-Master-Gruppe die Verantwortung für die Infrastruktur und Prozesse des Clusters.

Organization Retrospective

The Organization Retrospective offers the Organization Scrum Master (OSM) the opportunity to review the working methods of the organization, represented by the Portfolio Owner (PFO) and the Cluster System Engineer Group (CSEG) , as well as improvements to the Identify and plan how to work for the coming cycle . The Organization Retrospective takes place…

Team Scrum Master (TSM)

Team Scrum Master (TSM) The TSM ensures that the members of his Team can work optimally. He ensures an optimal work flow between the team members, by discovering improvements and solving disabilities and problems (presented managed in the Team Improvement Backlog) that arise in the cooperation of the teams. This especially concerns those that cannot…