Cluster System Engineer (CSE)

With the Team System Engineer Group at the Cluster / system level,  the cluster System Engineer is responsible for the technology and architecture  within the product creation process.   The Cluster System Engineer, together with the Cluster Product Owner and the Cluster Scrum Master, form the management circle of the cluster . Together with the…

Cluster System Engineer Group (CSEG)

The Cluster System Engineer Group (CSEG) consists of the Cluster System Engineers of all Clusters in the Organization . At the organizational level, it corresponds to the role of the Working Team at the team level. Together with the Portfolio Architect , the Cluster System Engineer Group is responsible for the Technology and Architecture side…

Supplier, Supply Chain & Production

Suppliers are important external Stakeholders of product development at all levels (Organization , Cluster and Team ) and supply chain and production are important internal Stakeholders. At the Team level, the Module Teams in particular, have close contact with suppliers because they provide important boundary conditions for the technology. Stakeholders are invited to the review…

Portfolio Architect (PFA)

With the Cluster System Engineer Group at Portfolio and organizational level, the Portfolio architect is responsible for the technology and architecture side of the entire product development process. The Portfolio architect forms the management of the entire Organization together with the Portfolio Owner and the Organization Scrum Master .   Together with the Portfolio architect,…

Team System Engineer (TSE)

The Team System Engineer represents the technical expertise and responsibility of his Team in the Team System Engineer Group of the Cluster . If the team does not agree on any other regulation, he also represents the Team in the Cluster Syncs (scrum-of-scrums) . For this, he should have the broadest possible knowledge of the…

Team System Engineering Group (TSEG)

The Team System Engineer Group is made up of all Team System Engineers of the Custer. At the Cluster level, it corresponds to the role of the Working Team. The Team System Engineer Group with the Cluster System Engineer is responsible for the Technology & Architecture within the product development at the Cluster / System…

Responsibility of Technology and Architecture by the System Engineers

The P4 framework divides its organizational and management structure of product development into three areas: Market and business Organization, infrastructure and processes Technology and architecture Technology and Architecture The technical roles of the different levels are responsible for the used and new technologies, as well as the architecture of the developed systems, i.e. the breakdown…

Responsibility of Technology and Architecture by the System Engineers

The P4 framework divides its organizational and management structure of product development into three areas: Market and business Organization, infrastructure and processes Technology and architecture Technology and Architecture The technical roles of the different levels are responsible for the used and new technologies, as well as the architecture of the developed systems, i.e. the breakdown…