Backlog Item (generic)

A Backlog Item contains as attributes a description, an effort estimate, as well as Acceptance Criteria and Test Descriptions, which prove the completeness and describe when it is done. All backlog entries have the following properties and attributes: A unique short name or other identification (e.g. a number) A description that is as short as…

Cluster Backlog Refinement

Refinement of the Cluster Backlog is viewed as the process of adding details to backlog entries, making estimates, or determining the order of entries in the Cluster Backlog. Refinement is a continuous process in which the Cluster Product Owner and the Team System Engineer Group collectively detail the Cluster Backlog Items. The entries are examined…

Team DoD (Definition of Done)

The Team , the Team Product Owner and the Stakeholders must agree on what it means when a backlog entry or a result is referred to as “done”. Although this can vary significantly from team to team, all Team Members must have a common understanding of when work is done to ensure transparency. This is…

Team Planning

Iteration Planning of the Teams (Scrum) Each Iteration begins with the Team Planning event of the Team. Here, the Team Product Owner presents the Working Team with the current state of the Team Backlog. New entries or changes that are not yet known to the Working Team since the last Team Backlog Refinement are estimated,…

Backlog Item Types

“The Backlog is the only source of the work.” The general description of  Backlogs and their properties can be found here. The hierarchy of the Backlog structure describes (in a simple way) the product development process. Backlog entries or Backlog Items are the individual building blocks of backlogs. They are clearly ranked within the backlogs,…