Application Team & Feature Team

Application Teams use the Modules to build concrete Applications, ie System Variants that are configured for specific markets. The requirements, definition, configuration, integration and testing of the applications are entirely the responsibility of the interdisciplinary Application Teams who also assume system responsibility over the entire product or system life cycle. Some organizations distinguish between Product…

Team Artefacts

Teams innerhalb der Organisation sind in Cluster strukturiert. Alle zukünftigen Arbeiten des Teams werden im Team-Backlog verwaltet. Aktuelle Arbeit wird im Iterations-Backlog oder auf einem Kanban-Board dargestellt. Je nach Team-Art, erzeugen Teams Features und Applikationen, Module und Systemplattformen oder Dienstleistungen (Services). Die Qualitätsansprüche des Teams sind in der Team-DoD aufgeführt.

Inspectable Result

Each team organized within the P4 framework produces inspectable results, i.e. all team results can be checked for completeness and quality according to their acceptance criteria and the Definition of Done. The type of inspectable results can vary greatly depending on the type and responsibilities of the team. It is important that the team’s added…


Die Iteration ist eine Timebox von fester Länge für jedes der Teams innerhalb eines Clusters und entspricht einem ständigen Grundtakt. Normalerweise wählen alle Teams innerhalb des Clusters  die gleiche Iterationslänge, insbesondere dann, wenn sie Abhängigkeiten zueinander, oder Lieferbeziehungen miteinander haben.

Module Team

Module Teams are responsible for versioned Modules or Components. Complex systems are usually divided into System Elements or Modules as sub-units. Platforms are often used, in which the Modules form the basic building blocks for combining and creating System Variants and Applications. Often you will find specific competencies in Module Teams that are only required…

Service Team

Service Teams provide a service or provide their expertises to other teams. There are two types of collaboration with the other teams: Service: Teams commission the Service Team to visualize and manage their work on a Kanban board Resource provider: Individual members of the Service Team temporarily work as Extended Team members in the Module…

Team Backlog Item (TBI)

Team Backlog Items (TBI) are the individual elements (Backlog Items) of a Team Backlog and describe work for a single Team. The size of  a TBI is initially not limited. It must be small enough in size or devided (refined) into several individual items that can be done in one Iteration, before it can be pulled…

Team Backlog Refinement

The Team Backlog Refinement is the process of adding details to the Team Backlog entries, making estimates, and determining the order of the Team Backlog entries. Refinement is a continuous process in which the Team Product Owner and the Working Team together detail the Team Backlog entries. When the Team Backlog is refined, the entries…