Applications and Market Variants

Applications and market versions are integrated, tested and approved products of the organization that can be sold in target markets to customers. They meet the requirements specified as a group from the Stakeholer Needs in the ” feature sets “. These are individually defined in the System Requirements & Functions as well as the Quality…

Users, Customers and Sales

These are the primary Stakeholders in product development at all levels (Organization , Cluster and Team ). At the Team level, the Application Teams in particular have close contact with Users, Customers and sales, as they give and evaluate the ultimate requirements for the products, systems and applications. Stakeholders are invited to the Review meetings…

Cluster Improvement Backlog

The Improvement Backlog describes the supply of improvements and is integrated into the work planning by the relevant group, self-organized. A rule that describes how much work the group spends on improvements (e.g. 10-20%) helps to keep the predictabilityof other Backlog Items high. The Improvement Backlog is the planning and structuring tool of the Scrum…

Cluster Mission

Content of a Mission The mission covers the areas of responsibility (the What) and the culture and standards of behavior (the How). The mission clarifies the following points: What is our self-image. What is the purpose of the team? How does the team position itself within the cluster and the organization? How do we want…

Cluster Product Owner (CPO)

The Cluster Product Owner is part of the Team Product Owner Group (TPOG). They have the responsibility for the market and business side of the product development process at the Cluster and System level. (A general description of the product owner role can be found here.) The Cluster-Product-Owner, the Cluster System Engineer and the Cluster…

Cluster Product Owner Group (CPOG)

The Cluster Product Owner Group consists of the Cluster Product Owners of all Clusters in the Organization, plus the Portfolio Owner. It has the overall responsibility for market and business side of the product development process on the Portfolio at the organizational level. The Cluster Product Owner Group including the Portfolio Owner has the following…

Cluster Retrospective

The Cluster Retrospective offers the Cluster Scrum Master (CSM) the opportunity to review the working methods of the cluster, represented by the Cluster Product Owner and the Team System Engineer Group (TSEG) , as well as improvements in the way of working identify and plan for the coming cycle . The Cluster Retrospective takes place…

Cluster Scrum Master (CSM)

The Cluster Scrum Master has, together with the Team Scrum Master Group (TSMG) the responsibility for the Infrastructure and Processes of the Cluster,   The Cluster-Scrum-Master forms with the Cluster System Engineer and the Cluster-Product-Owner the management circle of the cluster. The CSM ensures that the Tteams of its Cluster can work optimally. Together with…

Cluster Scrum Master Group (CSMG)

The Cluster Scrum Master Group, consists of the Cluster Scrum Masters of the Clusters and the Organization Scrum Master (OSM) The group is responsible for the processes, infrastructure and the cultural side of the product development process at the organizational level . The CSMG maintains the Organization Improvement Backlog to plan and implement improvement projects .…

Cluster System Engineer (CSE)

With the Team System Engineer Group at the Cluster / system level,  the cluster System Engineer is responsible for the technology and architecture  within the product creation process.   The Cluster System Engineer, together with the Cluster Product Owner and the Cluster Scrum Master, form the management circle of the cluster . Together with the…