Users, Customers and Sales

These are the primary Stakeholders in product development at all levels (Organization , Cluster and Team ). At the Team level, the Application Teams in particular have close contact with Users, Customers and sales, as they give and evaluate the ultimate requirements for the products, systems and applications. Stakeholders are invited to the Review meetings…

Stakeholder Needs

Stakeholders are all persons and groups of people affected by a system, as well as everyone directly interested or involved in the product. Stakeholders are invited to the reviews at all levels and can optionally be invited to backlog refinement meetings to explain their requirements. In order to identify stakeholders, the P4 framework uses two…

System Requirements & Functions

Systems are described at the top level by System Requirements and Functions (features). Requirements only describe abilities or properties in the “problem area”, so they are still independent of concrete system solutions. The solution space is already limited by the Quality Attributes & Constraints . Interfaces to neighboring systems in the environment and their properties…

Backlog Item Types

“The Backlog is the only source of the work.” The general description of  Backlogs and their properties can be found here. The hierarchy of the Backlog structure describes (in a simple way) the product development process. Backlog entries or Backlog Items are the individual building blocks of backlogs. They are clearly ranked within the backlogs,…

Product Owner is responsible for Market & Business

The P4 framework divides its organizational and management structure of product development into three areas: Market and Business (see below) Organization, infrastructure and processes Technology and Architecture Market and Business The Product Owner roles at the various levels bear responsibility for the products and their markets. In doing so, they communicate with the Stakeholders in…

Responsibiliy of Market & Business by Product Owners

The P4 framework divides its organizational and management structure of product development into three areas: Market and Business (see below) Organization, infrastructure, people and processes Technology and Architecture Market and Business The Product Owner roles at the various levels bear responsibility for the products and their markets. In doing so, they communicate with the Stakeholders…