Applications & Features

Integrated and tested features are the results of Application Teams .   Common attributes of Teams The minimum requirement for a Team result is that it can be inspected, ie it must be presented in a form that makes it assessable for the Stakeholders (e.g. users of the result). The Definition of Done for the…

Applications and Market Variants

Applications and market versions are integrated, tested and approved products of the organization that can be sold in target markets to customers. They meet the requirements specified as a group from the Stakeholer Needs in the ” feature sets “. These are individually defined in the System Requirements & Functions as well as the Quality…

Integrated System Sample (System increments)

System increments are partial or full integrations of system versions that are verified by internal or external tests and (depending on the degree of regulation) by user or market tests. System increments are often created at cluster level, i.e. by integrating sub-products from the various Teams in a Cluster. For the System increment, P4 has…

Internally provided Services

Internal services are the result of Service Teams.   Common attributes of Teams The minimum requirement for a Team result is that it can be inspected, ie it must be presented in a form that makes it assessable for the Stakeholders (e.g. users of the result). The Definition of Done for the respective results and…

Usable Knowledge & Documented Decisions

Usable and documented knowledge is the basis of any system development. It makes it possible to make conscious design decisions. Usable Knowledge also represents the first stage of reuse (see principles). At a higher level, however, they also represens knowledge of the possibilities and limitations of integrated system solutions (Limits and Trade-offs). To achieve this,…

System Increment

System increments are partial or full integrations of system versions that are verified by internal or external tests, as well as by user and / or market tests. System increments are mostly created by the Application teams of the Cluster i.e. by integrating partial results of the different teams of a cluster (module and platform…

Marketable Systems and Applications

Applications and market variants are the organization’s integrated, tested and approved products that can be sold to customers in the target markets. They meet the requirements specified as a group from the Stakeholer Needs in the ” feature sets “. These are individually defined in the System Requirements & Functions as well as the Quality…

Versioned Modules & Platforms

Versioned Modules & Platforms are the results of Module Teams .   Common attributes of Team results The minimum requirement for a Team result is that it can be inspected, ie it must be presented in a form that makes it assessable for the Stakeholders (e.g. users of the result). The Definition of Done for…