Cluster Artefacts

Each Cluster consists of several teams and divides the Organization into meaningful value streams. He organizes the various systems, applications (products) and markets. For this he has a Cluster Backlog with system versions consisting of features and Modules as elements, a Cluster Kanban board and the Cluster DoD . Each Cluster has the following artifacts:…

Cluster Backlog Item (CBI)

Cluster Backlog Items (CBI) are the individual elements (Backlog Items) of a Cluster Backlog and describe work for a Cluster. The size of  a CBI is initially not limited. It must be small enough in size or devided (refined in the Cluster Backlog Refinement) into several individual items that can be done in one ClusterCycle,…

Cluster Backlog Refinement

Refinement of the Cluster Backlog is viewed as the process of adding details to backlog entries, making estimates, or determining the order of entries in the Cluster Backlog. Refinement is a continuous process in which the Cluster Product Owner and the Team System Engineer Group collectively detail the Cluster Backlog Items. The entries are examined…

Cluster Backlog, Cluster Cycle Backlog and Cluster Kanban

Each Cluster has exactly one Backlog for its area of ​​responsibility and tasks , the Cluster Backlog. In its simplest form, it consists of elements of just one System development that all Teams in the Cluster are working on. In this case, the Cluster Backlog can be referred to as the System Backlog. If the…

Cluster Cycle Transfer within the Inter Cycle Week

The Cluster Cycle  is a kind of large iteration at the Cluster level , it could also be called a “cluster iteration”. A similar cycle is usually also used for the Portfolio level of the entire Organization . The Cycle consists of several Iterations , a preamble consisting of   Cluster Planning and a trailer…

Cluster Cycle

The basic idea of the Iteration as a time-box for the Teams is used at Cluster level by the Cluster Cycle as a larger fixed period as a basic rhythm for the Cluster. Frequently, the System versions, products and Applications are also brought to the market in the rhythm of the Cluster Cycles. The advantage…

Cluster DoD

The Teams of the Cluster , the Team System Engineer Group , the Team Product Owner Group and the Stakeholders must agree on what it means when a Backlog Item or a result is marked as “done”. Although this can vary significantly from Cluster to cluster, everyone must have a common understanding of when work…

Cluster Improvement Backlog

The Improvement Backlog describes the supply of improvements and is integrated into the work planning by the relevant group, self-organized. A rule that describes how much work the group spends on improvements (e.g. 10-20%) helps to keep the predictabilityof other Backlog Items high. The Improvement Backlog is the planning and structuring tool of the Scrum…

Cluster Mission

Content of a Mission The mission covers the areas of responsibility (the What) and the culture and standards of behavior (the How). The mission clarifies the following points: What is our self-image. What is the purpose of the team? How does the team position itself within the cluster and the organization? How do we want…

Cluster Planning

Cluster-Planning in Cycles Each Cluster-Cycle begins with a Cluster Planning event. In this, the Cluster Product Owner presents the current status of the Cluster Backlog to the Team System Engineer Group (TSEG). New entries or changes that have not been introduced to the TSEG since the last Cluster Backlog Refinement are estimated and supplemented by Acceptance Criteria…