Backlog (generic)

A Backlog is an ordered list of everything known that should be carried out by an organizational unit (Team , group, Cluster, Organization ) and serves as the only source of work by this organizational unit. The Product Owner is responsible for the Backlog, its content, access to it and the order of the entries.…

Backlog Item (generic)

A Backlog Item contains as attributes a description, an effort estimate, as well as Acceptance Criteria and Test Descriptions, which prove the completeness and describe when it is done. All backlog entries have the following properties and attributes: A unique short name or other identification (e.g. a number) A description that is as short as…

Cluster Backlog Item (CBI)

Cluster Backlog Items (CBI) are the individual elements (Backlog Items) of a Cluster Backlog and describe work for a Cluster. The size of  a CBI is initially not limited. It must be small enough in size or devided (refined in the Cluster Backlog Refinement) into several individual items that can be done in one ClusterCycle,…

Cluster Backlog, Cluster Cycle Backlog and Cluster Kanban

Each Cluster has exactly one Backlog for its area of ​​responsibility and tasks , the Cluster Backlog. In its simplest form, it consists of elements of just one System development that all Teams in the Cluster are working on. In this case, the Cluster Backlog can be referred to as the System Backlog. If the…

Cluster DoD

The Teams of the Cluster , the Team System Engineer Group , the Team Product Owner Group and the Stakeholders must agree on what it means when a Backlog Item or a result is marked as “done”. Although this can vary significantly from Cluster to cluster, everyone must have a common understanding of when work…

Cluster Improvement Backlog

The Improvement Backlog describes the supply of improvements and is integrated into the work planning by the relevant group, self-organized. A rule that describes how much work the group spends on improvements (e.g. 10-20%) helps to keep the predictabilityof other Backlog Items high. The Improvement Backlog is the planning and structuring tool of the Scrum…

Improvement Backlog

The Improvement Backlog describes the supply of improvements and is integrated into the work planning by the relevant organizational unit, self-organized. A rule that describes how much work the organizational unit spends on improvements over time (e.g. 10-20%) helps to keep the predictability of high, especially when Teams are young. The Improvement Backlog is the…

Organisation Improvement Backlog

The Improvement Backlog describes the supply of improvements and is integrated into the work planning by the relevant group, self-organized. A rule that describes how much work the group spends on improvements (e.g. 10-20%) helps to keep the predictability of other Backlog Items high. The Improvement Backlog is the planning and structuring tool of the…

Portfolio Backlog Item (PFBI)

Portfolio Backlog Items (PFBI) are the individual elements (Backlog Items) of a Portfolio Backlog and describe work for the entire Organization. The size of  a PFBI is initially not limited. It must be small enough in size or devided (refined in the Portfolio Backlog Refinement) into several individual items that can be done in one…

Portfolio Backlog, Portfolio Cycle Backlog & Portfolio Kanban

The top level of the Backlogs of the P4 framework, the Portfolio and Organizational level , describes all Applications and market variants of the Systems and Products to be develped in the entire Organization. Each of these variants is described by a set of System Requirements (feature set). In this way, the Application, systems &…