Acceptance Criteria

Acceptance criteria define conditions that must be met so that the affected Backlog Item is considered fulfilled. These can be refined requirements, special Quality Attributes or Constraints or boundary conditions (QA&C) of the described function, or procedural conditions during implementation. Estimates lead to good acceptance criteria. Good acceptance criteria lead to better estimates. During the…

Applications & Features

Integrated and tested features are the results of Application Teams .   Common attributes of Teams The minimum requirement for a Team result is that it can be inspected, ie it must be presented in a form that makes it assessable for the Stakeholders (e.g. users of the result). The Definition of Done for the…

Applications and Market Variants

Applications and market versions are integrated, tested and approved products of the organization that can be sold in target markets to customers. They meet the requirements specified as a group from the Stakeholer Needs in the ” feature sets “. These are individually defined in the System Requirements & Functions as well as the Quality…

Organizational Artefacts

The Organization is the top level in P4 and organizes the portfolio. For this purpose, the Organization has a Portfolio Backlog with applications as elements, a Portfolio Kanban board and the organization DoD .   Each Organization has the following artifacts: The Organization’s Mission: Defines the purpose of the Organization and the rules of conduct…

Cluster Artefacts

Each Cluster consists of several teams and divides the Organization into meaningful value streams. He organizes the various systems, applications (products) and markets. For this he has a Cluster Backlog with system versions consisting of features and Modules as elements, a Cluster Kanban board and the Cluster DoD . Each Cluster has the following artifacts:…

Team Artefacts

Teams within the organization are  structured in clusters . All future work of the team will be managed in the Team Backlog . Current work is shown in the Iteration Backlog or on a Kanban board . Depending on the type of team, teams create features and applications , modules and system platforms or services…

Backlog (generic)

A Backlog is an ordered list of everything known that should be carried out by an organizational unit (Team , group, Cluster, Organization ) and serves as the only source of work by this organizational unit. The Product Owner is responsible for the Backlog, its content, access to it and the order of the entries.…

Backlog Item (generic)

A Backlog Item contains as attributes a description, an effort estimate, as well as Acceptance Criteria and Test Descriptions, which prove the completeness and describe when it is done. All backlog entries have the following properties and attributes: A unique short name or other identification (e.g. a number) A description that is as short as…

Cluster Backlog Item (CBI)

Cluster Backlog Items (CBI) are the individual elements (Backlog Items) of a Cluster Backlog and describe work for a Cluster. The size of  a CBI is initially not limited. It must be small enough in size or devided (refined in the Cluster Backlog Refinement) into several individual items that can be done in one ClusterCycle,…

Cluster Backlog, Cluster Cycle Backlog and Cluster Kanban

Each Cluster has exactly one Backlog for its area of ​​responsibility and tasks , the Cluster Backlog. In its simplest form, it consists of elements of just one System development that all Teams in the Cluster are working on. In this case, the Cluster Backlog can be referred to as the System Backlog. If the…