The Iteration is a fixed length timebox for each of the Teams within a Cluster and corresponds to a constant basic rhythm. Usually, all Teams within the Cluster choose the same Iteration length, especially if they have interdependencies or supply relationships with each other.
Basically there is a choice between two, three or four week Iterations. Within a P4 Cycle, 3 four-week iterations, 4 three-week or 6 two-week iterations can take place.
Since the length of Iterations is always a multiple of weeks, the individual events and meetings always fall on the same day of the week.
- Each Iteration begins with a Team Planning , in which the following Iteration is planned by the Team.
- Every Nucleus Team performs a Team Sync every day . The Team Syncs of different teams can take place simultaneously.
- Every week, often on the same day of the week as the Team Planning , a Team Backlog Refinement is carried out, in which the members of the Extended Team also participate (at least partially). Many teams use the time before or after the refinement as a weekly Extended Team Sync , i.e. to coordinate the Nucleus and Extended Teams.
- At the end of the iteration, a Team Review is carried out to demonstrate the Team Results in front of the Stakeholders .
- The last event in the Iteration is the Team Retrospective, in which the Team reflects and improves the “team process”, i.e. the way the Team works.
Cluster events during the iteration
Events are also carried out at the Cluster level during the iteration. These are :
- Cluster Sync (scrum-of-scrums)
- Cluster Backlog Refinements carried out by the Team Product Owner Group (TPOG) with the Team System Engineer Group (TSEG) (estimate of items in the Cluster Backlog )
- TSEG working hours: Reserved working hours for the TSEG. The Cluster cadence means that there is no overlap with the events of the Working Teams and the working hours of the Cluster System Engineer Group (CSEG) at the organizational level.
- TPOG working hours (including planning, sync, review, retrospective): Reserved working hours for the TPOG. By the Cluster Cadence there is no time overlaps with the events of Team Product Owner and the Working Teams , so Iteration , Team Backlog Refinement , Team Review , Team Retrospektive , and the CPOG -Arbeitszeit.
- “Practice time”: Working hours of the Communities-of-Practive (CoP) , which are synchronized by the Cluster cadence or organizational cadence.
Organization events during the iteration
Events are also carried out at the organizational level during the iteration. These are :
- Organization Sync (Scrum-of-Scrum-of-Scrums)
- Portfolio Backlog Refinements carried out by the Cluster Product Owner Group (CPOG) with the Cluster System Engineer Group (CSEG) (estimate of the items in the Portfolio Backlog)
- CSEG working hours: Reserved working hours for the CSEG. The organizational cadence means that there is no overlap with the events of the Working Teams and the working hours of the Team System Engineer Group (TSEG) of the Clusters .
- CPOG working hours (including planning, sync, review, retrospective): Reserved working hours for the CPOG. Due to the organizational cadence there are no temporal ones
- Duplicating the events of Team Product Owner and the Working Teams , so Iteration , Team Backlog Refinement , Team-Review , Team Retrospektive , and the TPOG-working hours of the various Clusters.
- “Practice time”: Working hours of the Communities-of-Practive (CoP) , which are synchronized by the Cluster cadence or organizational cadence.
The following table shows the events in an iteration (1st column) and the events before and after a Cycle (2nd and 3rd column)
Team level | Cluster level | Organizational level |
Portfolio Planning | ||
Cluster Planning | ||
Team Planning | ||
Team Sync, Extended Team Sync and joint Team Sync | Cluster Sync | Organization Sync |
Team Backlog Refinement | Cluster Backlog Refinement of the TSEG with the CPO | Portfolio Backlog refinement of the CSEG with the PFO |
Team Review | ||
Team Retrospective | ||
Cluster Review | ||
Cluster Retrospective | Portfolio Review | |
Organizational Retrospective |
The fields highlighted in yellow take place in each iteration .
The fields highlighted in pink take place in each Cluster cycle .
The fields highlighted in cyan take place in every Portfolio cycle .
Further suitable links:
Events | Roles | Groups | Artifacts |
Team Planning
. |
Team Product Owner | Working Team | Team Backlog |