Cluster DoD

The Teams of the Cluster , the Team System Engineer Group , the Team Product Owner Group and the Stakeholders must agree on what it means when a Backlog Item or a result is marked as “done”. Although this can vary significantly from Cluster to cluster, everyone must have a common understanding of when work…

Cluster Improvement Backlog

The Improvement Backlog describes the supply of improvements and is integrated into the work planning by the relevant group, self-organized. A rule that describes how much work the group spends on improvements (e.g. 10-20%) helps to keep the predictabilityof other Backlog Items high. The Improvement Backlog is the planning and structuring tool of the Scrum…

Definition of done (generic)

Everyone needs to have a common understanding of when work is done to ensure transparency. The Definition-of-Done is a promise of quality The DoD is derived from the idea of the Acceptance Criteria of Backlog Items. It describes which types of results must be present and which work must have been performed in order for…

Definition of Ready (DoR)

Die Definition-of-Ready (DoR) ist eine Liste, die festlegt, welche Kriterien bestimmte Artefakte erfüllen müssen, bevor festgelegte Aktionen in einer Organisationseinheit anlaufen. Sie ist damit ist eine Vereinbarung, um klare Qualitätskriterien von Artefakten festzulegen. Z.B. darf im P4-Framework ein Team keine ungeschätzten Backlog-Elemente in eine Iteration ziehen. DoRs gibt es auf allen Ebenen und können für…

Documentation of Product und Process

“We favor working software over comprehensive documentation”, Agile Manifesto, 2001. Die obige Aussage aus dem Agile Manifesto bedeutet, dass lauffähige und funktionierenden Produkte/Software/Systeme wichtiger sind, als Dokumentation. Das bedeutet aber nicht, dass Dokumentation unwichtig wäre und komplett weggelassen werden kann. Ein wichtiges Kriterium bei Dokumenten ist daher, dass sie benötigt werden, speziell, ob sie auch…

Improvement Backlog

The Improvement Backlog describes the supply of improvements and is integrated into the work planning by the relevant organizational unit, self-organized. A rule that describes how much work the organizational unit spends on improvements over time (e.g. 10-20%) helps to keep the predictability of high, especially when Teams are young. The Improvement Backlog is the…

Inspectable Result

Each team organized within the P4 framework produces inspectable results, i.e. all team results can be checked for completeness and quality according to their acceptance criteria and the Definition of Done. The type of inspectable results can vary greatly depending on the type and responsibilities of the team. It is important that the team’s added…

Integrated System Sample

System-Inkremente sind Teil- oder Vollintegrationen von Systemversionen, die durch interne oder externe Tests, sowie (je nach Grad der Regulierung) durch Nutzer- oder sogar Markttests verifiziert werden. System-Inkremente werden häufig auf Cluster-Ebene erzeugt d.h. durch die Integration von Teilprodukten der verschiedenen Teams eines Clusters. Für das System-Inkrement hat P4 die Arten und Definitionen von Mustern aus…

Lightweight Business Case (LBC)

The lightweight business case is borrowed from the SAFe framework and describes a feature in a lightweight way. It includes results of an initial analysis, such as effort and investment, as well as benefits and advantages to assess priority.