Products, Applications and Market Variants

The Portfolio Backlog at the Organizational level, the top level of all Backlogs, contains Systems, Products and Application variants, as well as product variants for special markets. Each of these product variants is described by a set of System Requirements (feature set). In this way, the product variants can be estimated against each other with…

Quality Attributes & Constraints

Quality attributes are Non-Functional Requirements that more or less restrict the Functions and features of a system. These are mostly “How” questions, i.e. how fast, how big, how heavy, how expensive, how long-lasting, how robust, how safe? These requirements often have to be balanced against each other. For this purpose, minimum achievable and desired values…

Samples & Integrations (Backlog Item Type)

Samples & Integrations represent all work that is required to develop, build and test prototype samples (whether virtual or physical). These Samples can be concepts, simulations, prototypical partial assemblies, virtual prototypes, rapid prototypes, up to pre-series samples, which may be tested in user studies. Samples & Integrations are created  to close Knowledge Gaps through learning.…

Stakeholder Needs

Stakeholders are all persons and groups of people affected by a system, as well as everyone directly interested or involved in the product. Stakeholders are invited to the reviews at all levels and can optionally be invited to backlog refinement meetings to explain their requirements. In order to identify stakeholders, the P4 framework uses two…

System Requirements & Functions

Systems are described at the top level by System Requirements and Functions (features). Requirements only describe abilities or properties in the “problem area”, so they are still independent of concrete system solutions. The solution space is already limited by the Quality Attributes & Constraints . Interfaces to neighboring systems in the environment and their properties…

System Concepts, System Architecture & Capabilities

System concepts describe possible solutions for system and product variants (applications = feature sets) and their requirements . System concepts implement the System Requirements within the restrictions (contraints) and balance the quality requirements (Quality Attributes)out. The P4 framework explicitly provides several System Concepts as solution options for the implementation of System Requirements in the system…

Team Backlog Item (TBI)

Team Backlog Items (TBI) are the individual elements (Backlog Items) of a Team Backlog and describe work for a single Team. The size of  a TBI is initially not limited. It must be small enough in size or devided (refined) into several individual items that can be done in one Iteration, before it can be pulled…

Team Backlog

Team Backlog Each Team has exactly one Backlog for its area of ​​responsibility and tasks . Its elements (Team Backlog Items) consist in the finest level of granularity of Team Goals. The Team Product Owner is  responsible for and prioritizes the Team Backlog. A large part of the Team Backlog is derived by the Team…

Team Improvement Backlog

The Improvement Backlog describes the supply of improvements and is integrated into the work planning by the relevant group, self-organized. A rule that describes how much work the group spends on improvements (e.g. 10-20%) helps to keep the predictability of other Backlog Items high. The Improvement Backlog is the planning and structuring tool of the…

Team Iteration Backlog

The Team Iteration Backlog reflects the work of a Team for a currently running Iteration. The planned work, reflected by backlog elements, is pulled into the Team Iteration Backlog by the Working Team at the start of the Iteration, which is referred to as Pull.   Further suitable links: Events Roles Groups Artifacts Team Planning…