Organisation Sync

is part ofPortfolio Cycle
Attendees:Cluster System Engineer Group
Optional Attendees:Organization Scrum Master, Portfolio Owner
Adapted artefacts:Cluster Cycle Backlog

Organizational Sync (Scrum-of-Scrums-of-Scrums)

This event enables several Clusters to communicate with each other in order to coordinate dependencies, disruptions, new findings and decisions, etc. during ongoing work. The Clusters themselves decide how often this is needed (e.g. daily, weekly).

The representatives of the Cluster can be the Cluster System Engineers of the Clusters. However, other technical representatives of the Cluster can also be designated.

The Organization Sync takes place (usually in a semicircle) in front of the Portfolio Kanban Board of the Organization , since the members move the Portfolio Backlog Items in the Organization Sync.

The three questions in Organization Sync are:

  1. What has my Cluster been doing since the last Organization Sync?
  2. What is my Cluster expected to do until the next Organization Sync?
  3. Where is my Cluster blocked and needs support?

In a similar way, the structure of the Organization Sync can also be used for the exchange of certain roles or expertise, e.g. a sync of the Cluster Scrum Masters , the Cluster Product Owners , the testers, the designers, designers, etc. of a Cluster .

Due to the shortness of a maximum of 15 minutes, the Organization Sync is only suitable for identifying problems, but not for discussing or solving them. The required members can use the time after the Organization Sync to discuss problems, while the unnecessary members can continue to work.

Organizational sync visitors

Visitors who want to experience the Organization Sync can participate with the permission of the members. The visitors are in the second row and only listen, unless they are addressed by an active member. Visitors can be:


Further suitable links:

Events Roles Groups Artifacts
Team Sync


Cluster Sync


Portfolio Planning

Portfolio refinement

Portfolio Review

Organization retrospective

Portfolio Owner

Portfolio Architect

Organization Scrum Master

Cluster Product Owner Group

Cluster System Engineer Group

Cluster Scrum Master Group

Organization Management Circle

Portfolio Backlog

Systems & Applications

System Platforms & Variants

Organization DoD

Organization Improvement Backlog