Cluster Retrospective

The Cluster Retrospective offers the Cluster Scrum Master (CSM) the opportunity to review the working methods of the cluster, represented by the Cluster Product Owner and the Team System Engineer Group (TSEG) , as well as improvements in the way of working identify and plan for the coming cycle . The Cluster Retrospective takes place…

Cluster Review

At the end of each Cluster Cycle , a Cluster Review is held in which the Team System Engineer Group (TSEG) and the Cluster Product Owner (CPO) present the results to the stakeholders. They receive feedback from the stakeholders on the results so that the CPO can adjust the Cluster Backlog if necessary . Along…

Cluster Scrum Master (CSM)

Der Cluster-Scrum-Master hat, zusammen mit der Team-Scrum-Master-Gruppe die Verantwortung für die Infrastruktur und Prozesse des Clusters.

Cluster Sync (Scrum-of-Scrums)

Cluster Sync (scrum-of-scrums) This event enables multiple Working Teams to communicate with each other in order to coordinate dependencies, disruptions, new findings and decisions, etc. with one another during ongoing work. The teams decide how often this is needed (e.g. daily or weekly). Depending on the context, there can be different types of Cluster Syncs,…

Cluster System Engineer (CSE)

Der Cluster-System-Engineer hat mit der Team-System-Engineer-Gruppe auf der Cluster/System-Ebene die Verantwortung für die Technologie und Architektur innerhalb des Produktentstehungsprozesses.


Jeder Cluster besteht aus mehreren Teams und unterteilt die Organisation in zusammenhängende Wertströme (Value Streams). Die verschiedenen Systeme, Applikationen (Produkte) für bestimmte Märkte werden von den Clustern verantwortet.

Integrated System Sample

System-Inkremente sind Teil- oder Vollintegrationen von Systemversionen, die durch interne oder externe Tests, sowie (je nach Grad der Regulierung) durch Nutzer- oder sogar Markttests verifiziert werden. System-Inkremente werden häufig auf Cluster-Ebene erzeugt d.h. durch die Integration von Teilprodukten der verschiedenen Teams eines Clusters. Für das System-Inkrement hat P4 die Arten und Definitionen von Mustern aus…

Cluster Management Circle

A Cluster within the product development Organization is managed by a group of managers. The Cluster Product Owner, the Cluster System Engineer and the Cluster Scrum Master form the Cluster Management Circle following the principal of separating powers. They support and complement each other in the decision-making of topics that reach their level or have been…

Samples & Integrations (Backlog Item Type)

Samples & Integrations represent all work that is required to develop, build and test prototype samples (whether virtual or physical). These Samples can be concepts, simulations, prototypical partial assemblies, virtual prototypes, rapid prototypes, up to pre-series samples, which may be tested in user studies. Samples & Integrations are created  to close Knowledge Gaps through learning.…

System Requirements & Functions

Systems are described at the top level by System Requirements and Functions (features). Requirements only describe abilities or properties in the “problem area”, so they are still independent of concrete system solutions. The solution space is already limited by the Quality Attributes & Constraints . Interfaces to neighboring systems in the environment and their properties…