Skills & Education

Fertigkeiten und Ausbildung (Skills & Education) stellen, neben den drei Hauptbereichen Markt & Business, Prozessen & Infrastruktur, Technologie & Architektur, einen vierten orthogonalen Bereich im P4-Framework dar, in denen es  um Erfahrungsaustausch, Lernen sowie Methoden und Werkzeuge spezieller Wissens- und Erfahrungspraktiken geht. Für jede dieser Praktiken kann es eine eigene Community-of-Practice (CoP) geben.

Supplier, Supply Chain & Production

Suppliers are important external Stakeholders of product development at all levels (Organization , Cluster and Team ) and supply chain and production are important internal Stakeholders. At the Team level, the Module Teams in particular, have close contact with suppliers because they provide important boundary conditions for the technology. Stakeholders are invited to the review…

Management Circle of the Organization

The product development Organization is managed by a group of managers. The Portfolio Owner, the Portfolio Architect and the Organization Scrum Master form the Organization Management Circle (OMC). They support and complement each other in the decision-making of topics that reach their level or have been escalated to them by one of the three groups…

Cluster Management Circle

A Cluster within the product development Organization is managed by a group of managers. The Cluster Product Owner, the Cluster System Engineer and the Cluster Scrum Master form the Cluster Management Circle following the principal of separating powers. They support and complement each other in the decision-making of topics that reach their level or have been…

Manager of other Areas and the P4N

Die Manager von Bereichen, die nicht im P4-Dev-Framework enthalten sind, werden der Gruppe der Stakeholder zugeordnet. Die Stakeholder der Manager anderer Bereiche kommen z.B. aus den Infrastrukturbereichen, wie IT, Personal, Buchhaltung und Facility/Site-Management. Die Stakeholder des Bereichs Lieferanten, Supply-Chain und Produktion sind hier beschrieben, die Stakeholder des Bereichs Benutzer, Kunden und  Vertrieb hier.

Module Team

Module Teams are responsible for versioned Modules or Components. Complex systems are usually divided into System Elements or Modules as sub-units. Platforms are often used, in which the Modules form the basic building blocks for combining and creating System Variants and Applications. Often you will find specific competencies in Module Teams that are only required…

Organization Scrum Master (OSM)

The Organization Scrum Master is part of the  Cluster Scrum Master Group  and is responsible for the  infrastructure and processes  at the  organizational level  , ie the entire product development. The Organization Scrum Master forms  the  management of the entire Organization together with the  Portfolio architect  and the  Portfolio Owner . The OSM ensures that…


Die Organisation repräsentiert die oberste Ebene in der Produktentwicklung, und damit alle Personen, Rollen und Gruppen. Sie wird auch als Portfolio-Ebene bezeichnet. Alle Arbeiten der Organisation sind im Portfolio-Backlog mit größtmöglicher Transparenz dargestellt.