Portfolio Planning

Planning at the Portfolio level is a semi-continuous process in the P4 framework, just like budget planning, for example, which is closely linked to Portfolio Planning. The planning process consists of the preparation through the Portfolio refinement and the Portfolio Planning event. The planning process takes place at the level of the Portfolio Backlog elements.…

Portfolio Review

At the end of each Portfolio Cycle, a Portfolio Review is held in which the Cluster System Engineer Group (CSEG) and the Portfolio Owner (PFO) present the results to the Stakeholders. They receive feedback from the Stakeholders on the results so that the Portfolio Owner can adjust the Portfolio Backlog if necessary . Along with any…

Practice Lead

Practice leads are professional coaches or trainers within the organization who take care of expertise or technical discipline. They lead a community of practice , train their members and take care of the further development of the topic and the employees within the Organization. In the transition from classic organizations, the former line managers can…

Products, Applications and Market Variants

The Portfolio Backlog at the Organizational level, the top level of all Backlogs, contains Systems, Products and Application variants, as well as product variants for special markets. Each of these product variants is described by a set of System Requirements (feature set). In this way, the product variants can be estimated against each other with…

Marketable Systems and Applications

Applications and market variants are the organization’s integrated, tested and approved products that can be sold to customers in the target markets. They meet the requirements specified as a group from the Stakeholer Needs in the ” feature sets “. These are individually defined in the System Requirements & Functions as well as the Quality…