Organization DoD

Die Teams aller Cluster der Organisation, die Cluster-System-Engineer-Gruppe, die Cluster-Product-Owner-Gruppe und die Stakeholder müssen verstehen was es bedeutet, wenn ein Backlog-Eintrag oder ein Ergebnis als „Done“ bezeichnet wird. Obwohl sich die Cluster-DoDs erheblich von Cluster zu Cluster unterscheiden können, gibt es nur eine DoD auf Portfolio-Ebene für die gesamte Organisation.

Organisation Improvement Backlog

The Improvement Backlog describes the supply of improvements and is integrated into the work planning by the relevant group, self-organized. A rule that describes how much work the group spends on improvements (e.g. 10-20%) helps to keep the predictability of other Backlog Items high. The Improvement Backlog is the planning and structuring tool of the…

Organization Retrospective

The Organization Retrospective offers the Organization Scrum Master (OSM) the opportunity to review the working methods of the organization, represented by the Portfolio Owner (PFO) and the Cluster System Engineer Group (CSEG) , as well as improvements to the Identify and plan how to work for the coming cycle . The Organization Retrospective takes place…

Organisation Sync

Organizational Sync (Scrum-of-Scrums-of-Scrums) This event enables several Clusters to communicate with each other in order to coordinate dependencies, disruptions, new findings and decisions, etc. during ongoing work. The Clusters themselves decide how often this is needed (e.g. daily, weekly). The representatives of the Cluster can be the Cluster System Engineers of the Clusters. However, other…

Portfolio Architect (PFA)

Der Portfolio-Architekt hat mit der Cluster-System-Engineer-Gruppe auf der Portfolio- und Organisationsebene die Verantwortung für die Technologie- und Architekturseite des gesamten Produktentwicklungsprozesses. Der Portfolio-Architekt bildet mit dem Portfolio-Owner und dem Organisation-Scrum-Master das Management der gesamten Organisation.

Portfolio Backlog Item (PFBI)

Portfolio Backlog Items (PFBI) are the individual elements (Backlog Items) of a Portfolio Backlog and describe work for the entire Organization. The size of  a PFBI is initially not limited. It must be small enough in size or devided (refined in the Portfolio Backlog Refinement) into several individual items that can be done in one…

Portfolio Backlog Refinement

Refinement of the Portfolio Backlog is the process of creating new backlog items, adding details to backlog items, making estimates, splitting backlog items, or changing the order of items in the Portfolio Backlog. Refinement is a continuous process in which the Portfolio Owner and the Cluster System Engineer Group (CSEG) jointly detail the Portfolio Backlog…

Portfolio Backlog, Portfolio Cycle Backlog & Portfolio Kanban

Die oberste Ebene der Backlogs des P4-Frameworks, die Portfolio- und Organisationsebene, beschreibt Applikationen und Marktvarianten der Systeme und Produkte. Jede dieser Varianten wird durch einen Satz von System-Anforderungen (Feature Set) beschrieben.

Portfolio Cycle

The basic idea of the Iteration as a time-box for the Teams is used at Organization level by the Portfolio Cycle as a larger fixed period as a basic rhythm for the Organization. Frequently, the System versions, products and Applications are also brought to the market in the rhythm of the Portfolio Cycles. The advantage of…

Portfolio Owner (PFO)

Der Portfolio-Owner ist der Product Owner der Organisation. Er hat zusammen mit der Cluster-Product-Owner-Gruppe (CPOG) auf der Portfolio- bzw.  Organisationsebene die Gesamtverantwortung für die Markt- und Geschäftsseite des Produktentwicklungsprozesses. (Eine allgemeine Beschreibung des Product-Owner-Rolle befindet sich hier …)